• (705) 726-1351
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Updated 26 Apr 2023

Election Results

The General Meeting on 25 April 2023 saw the election of the following BCC members to the Board of Directors: 

David Bolsby

Donna Cooper

David Hein

Layne L'Abbé


About the Meeting

Meeting Agenda

2022/2023 Committee and Operations Reports:

Convenor Reports

Previous Meeting Minutes

Notice of Meeting

Meeting Notice Email (06 Apr 2023)


To login in, enter your Username and Password in the box on the right side of this page. If you have no Username or Password? Here is how to get it:

  • Click "Forget Login?" under the Log In button.
  • Recover your Username first by checking off that you need to recover the Username. An email with the Username will be sent to you.
  • Recover your Password by checking off that you need to recover the Password and follow instructions. An email will be sent to you with a temporary password.
  • You can now regiter by entering your Username and Password.
  • Once in, press "My Information" on the red Member Menu on the right side of the page. You will be brought to a page with all your information. To change information including using a friendlier Username and Passwork, press "Edit" above your name and choose to Update Your Profile. Update the information in each tab and then press "Update".  

Here is a video to show you how to do it:

There are some times when it is difficult to retrieve information:

  • If you share an email with a family member, you will not both receive your Username because the system can only choose one person recipient for the email. If this happens, try to recover the password using your name as the Username where the first and last names are separated by an underscore: Chris Hauschild is then "Chris_Hauschild". If you have an apostrophe or space in your name (O'Brien, Van Dormal), remove it for the Username. Sometimes this won't work if Chris Hauschild was actually registered as Christopher Hauschild.
  • If the email on file is not correct, you will not be able to register. Although we spent 100 hours updating our database, there will some addresses that are incorrect.
  • If you have any difficulty registering, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and email address. You will be sent your Username with a Password within 24 hours.

The membership section has its benefits:

  • View leagues - teams, schedule and standings
  • Sparing - show when you like to spare; and contact people when you need a spare. Emails are not shown until you reply to an email.
  • "Free Agent Listing" - pick a player from the list to be your teammate; or join the list if looking for a team. We hope this will solve issues when registering at the beginning of the registration cycle.
  • Need to contact a club member? Search for who you are looking for in the Member Search section. Best of all, you can search with first name or last name and choose the person you are looking for from the list.
  • Maintaining data at the club - for years the BCC has had several email and mailing lists. When you sign in and complete member information, you ensure that your data is current at the club and that convenors, team members and staff can reach you when needed. Please complete by going into the edit mode of "My Information" - you can change your username and password as well. NOTE - we do want birthdates because it helps us track demographics and lets us better cater to your needs too...we won't tell anyone your age! Some of you may notice a birthdate has been registered for you already - it was a blind date we entered to show the type of membership you purchases (adult vs senior) so please don't be insulted if its wrong!

Not all features are currently available on the page: league schedules and standings will be phased in with convenors (Tuesday CYO, Monday Men's, Women's Tuesday 9 am will have leagues up shortly with the intention to get remaining convenors online after a trial. In the meantime, many schedules are available under the "League Information" section under the "Curling" tab or directly at: http://barriecurlingclub.com/index.php/curling/league-descriptions.



Log In to our member section to view upcoming view upcoming games, choose volunteering options, find a spare, choose sparing availability, contact spares, and be connected with club activities. 

No Username or Password? Visit the Membership Log In.


Join Us!

8 ender square 

We have leagues for all curling skill levels!



Come out and enjoy one of our friendly and fun bonspiels!

Facility Rental

IMG 5669

Consider Barrie Curling Club for your next event!

Contact Us

Barrie Curling Club
175 Essa Road
Barrie, ON  L4N 3L2

(705) 726-1351  |  Fax: (705) 726-1368  |  Email Us

Map and contact details


About the Barrie Curling Club

Our club consists of a group of people who love to curl - some more competitively and some more recreationally; and we have leagues and programs to match what our curlers want. Many of us consider fellow members to be great friends and have shared some of the best times of our lives at leagues, bonspiels and the lounge of the Barrie Curling Club.


© 2025 Barrie Curling Club. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com