• (705) 726-1351
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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League Info: Tuesday CYO

This is a league open to any combination of male or female players.  Register as a team; the league convenor will follow up with you to determine whether you will be in the Competitive or Recreational division. Your team roster can consist of 5 players.  There may be additional fees collected for this league to be redistributed at the end of the year as regular season and playoff prize money.  This league plays Tuesdays at 8:15 PM.




  • Each team must have 2 registered players for every game and a minimum of 3 players to start a game.
  • There is a 15 minute grace period to allow late members to arrive. After 15 minutes the late team must give the legal team 1 point for the first end and the game proceeds to the second end. If after 20 minutes a team cannot be made up then the game is forfeited. If there are no shows, give your team a win on the scoreboard with a score of 1-0. Make up games are allowed if there is proper notice and an agreement between the teams involved. Game must be made up before the next scheduled game.
  • The 5-rock guard rule will be in effect.
  • Regular season games will be 8 ends or when the buzzer goes. When the buzzer sounds you finish the end you’re playing and play one more end. Ties will not be broken during the regular season.
  • Playoff games will be a full 8 ends with ties going to an extra end. No time limits. There will be no money won for individual games in the playoffs. Winnings for playoffs will be paid based on final games. (see PAYOUTS on the FORMAT document)
  • Ties in the point standings will be broken by a) head to head win/loss record; b) number of wins, c) score differential in all games of draw.
  • Any registered and qualified club member can spare in this league.


To be determined, depending on the number of teams registered. 



  • The Championship Division playoff champion will represent this league in the Tournament of Champions.
  • In years where this league is eligible to send two teams, the Championship Division playoff finalist will also be sent to the Tournament of Champions.


  • TBD

Join Us!

8 ender square 

We have leagues for all curling skill levels!



Come out and enjoy one of our friendly and fun bonspiels!

Facility Rental

IMG 5669

Consider Barrie Curling Club for your next event!

Contact Us

Barrie Curling Club
175 Essa Road
Barrie, ON  L4N 3L2

(705) 726-1351  |  Fax: (705) 726-1368  |  Email Us

Map and contact details


About the Barrie Curling Club

Our club consists of a group of people who love to curl - some more competitively and some more recreationally; and we have leagues and programs to match what our curlers want. Many of us consider fellow members to be great friends and have shared some of the best times of our lives at leagues, bonspiels and the lounge of the Barrie Curling Club.


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