• (705) 726-1351
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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BCC Swag Event


Golf Shirts

(jump to Golf Shirts)


Introducing the latest edition to our swag. These golf shirts are a Stormtech Galapagos S/S Polo available in the BCC colours of Red and Royal Blue. There are various sizes available in stock NOW!!    


Crew Neck Fleece

(jump to Crew Neck Fleece)

  NEW Special Order ONLY Crew Neck Fleece for those who do not like hoodies. BCC logo and taxes included in the pricing. Please see sizing chart and colours below. No returns…special orders…    $35.00

Colour Hoodie

(jump to Hoodies)

  Back by popular demand our Special Order chose your own COLOUR hoodie with BCC logo and taxes included in the pricing. Please see sizing chart, colours attached. No returns as these also are special orders.    $40.00


For additional information or to place an order, contact; Gayle McKenna This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please, no orders through the BCC office.


 Golf Shirts



Golf Shirts



Crew Neck Fleece



Crew Neck Fleece

SWAG Crew Neck 1

SWAG Crew Neck 2






SWAG Hoodie 1


SWAG Hoodie 2


We are lucky to supplement our club operations with some great partners: 


Kitchen Operations & Catering

TCB Catering

Contact: Jessica Dadswell, Owner & Event Coordinator

Phone: (705) 627-1172

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Curling Pro Shop

Shot Rock Shop

Contact: Sheri Gilder, Owner/Operator

Phone: (705) 734-3332

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Pickleball Clinics & Lessons

Taylored Pickleball Academy

Contact: Cameron Taylor

Phone: (226) 668-4484

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



We are also supported by the following: 


Tourism Barrie

We worked in partnership with Tourism Barrie to produce our bid to host the 2024 Everest Funeral Concierge Canadian Curling Club Championships. They continue to be supportive of our hosting efforts we near the event. 

barrietourism 1500x600


City of Barrie 

Barrie Grants



You can donate to the Ice Pad and Plant Capital Improvements through the National Sports Trust Fund (NSTF) and receive a charitable donation. There are a few ways to do it:


1.  Online by Credit Card and receive the Charitable Receipt immediately:

  • Go to the Donation Form at the National Sports Trust Fund - Ontario.
  • Enter the amount.
  • Choose the organization as "The Barrie Curling Club"
  • Sign the form (scribble your signature with the mouse - it doesn't need to be perfect).
  • Payment of method is "Credit Card"
  • Do NOT choose to receive a second receipt:  you will receive a receipt by email and if you lose it, our Manager, Lisa DeClark, can get yout another receipt. Otherwise it costs another $2.
  • Submit the form and you will receive an email receipt with Charitable Receipt attached.
  • By Credit Card and receive the Charitable Receipt immediately:


2.  Online by Cheque and receive the Charitable Receipt once the cheque is mailed and cleared at the bank:

  • Go to the Donation Form at the National Sports Trust Fund - Ontario.
  • Enter the amount.
  • Choose the organization as "The Barrie Curling Club"
  • Sign the form (scribble your signature with the mouse - it doesn't need to be perfect).
  • Payment of method is "Cheque"
  • Do NOT choose to receive a second receipt:  you will receive a receipt by email and if you lose it, our Manager, Lisa DeClark, can get yout another receipt. Otherwise it costs another $2.
  • Submit the form online and you will receive an email with instructions to print the email and send it along with a cheque to the National Sports Trust Fund.  Once the cheque is received and cashed, the charitable donor receipt will be sent to you.


Curling Registration Form

Waivers and Releases

 If You Are: Complete This Form(s): 
Adult or Senior BCC Curling Member Hold Harmless Release
Youth BCC Curling Member and/or Parent/Guardian of Youth Member 

Hold Harmless Release AND Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes & Parents/Guardians AND Rowan's Law Resource

Adult participating in a BCC Bonspiel, Learn to Curl or Open House Hold Harmless Release
Youth Curler participating in a BCC Bonspiel, Learn to Curl or Open House Hold Harmless Release AND Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes & Parents/Guardians AND Rowan's Law Resource 
BCC Member age 26 or less, Parent of Youth Curler, or Coach/ Trainer Rowan's Law Resource
Adult participating in a Curling Rental  Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims and Indemnity Agreement
Youth participating in a Curling Rental Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk Agreement AND Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes & Parents/Guardians AND Rowan's Law Resource
Adult Pickleball Player Pickleball Hold Harmless Release - Adults
Youth Pickleball Player Pickleball Hold Harmless Release - Parent/Guardian Consent
Event Rental Client - Please see the Rental Agreement provided to you by the Club Manager 





While we look to businesses to partner with us, we also believe in giving back to the community. Our club attracts curlers to participate in our bonspiels; and hosts provincial and world class curling events. We also provide our facilities to other sporting groups and social events throughout the year. Each of these draws thousands of people to our club, city and supporting businesses.

The Barrie Curling Club is a not-for-profit amateur sporting organization which strives to provide a fun environment in which to curl while at the same time providing necessary programs to excel in curling.

Want to advertise or sponsor at the BCC?  Details are in our Advertising and Sponsorship Booklet; or call/email the following: 

David Hein 437-245-8799 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We have options to suit your needs and price point.

Advertising & Sponsorship Package 2024-2025 

(click or tap the link above or image below to view document)

Advertising Sponsorship 24 25 8.5 x 11 in no bg Page 1




While we look to businesses to partner with us, we also believe in giving back to the community. Our club attracts curlers to participate in our bonspiels; and hosts provincial and world class curling events. We also provide our facilities to other sporting groups and social events throughout the year. Each of these draws thousands of people to our club, city and supporting businesses.

The Barrie Curling Club is a not-for-profit amateur sporting organization which strives to provide a fun environment in which to curl while at the same time providing necessary programs to excel in curling.

Want to advertise or sponsor at the BCC?  Details are in our Advertising and Sponsorship Booklet; or call one of the following: 

Melanie Hughes 705-726-1351 x21

David Hein 437-245-8799 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

We have options to suit your needs and price point.

Advertising & Sponsorship Package 2024-2025 

(click or tap the link above or image below to view document)

Advertising Sponsorship 24 25 8.5 x 11 in no bg Page 1




The Barrie Curling Club is a not-for-profit organization whose vision is to promote and develop a range of curling opportunities for all age groups and abilities, at the same time as being the regional club of choice that attracts curlers in central Simcoe County. Barrie Curling Club serves its members by offering excellent curling ice, a welcoming lounge, quality kitchen service and enjoyable special events. Throughout, the Board of Directors and Management provides effective, frequent and informative communication with its members about activities, events, accomplishments, decisions and plans.

In simpler terms, we are a group of people who love to curl - some more competitively and some more recreationally; and we have leagues and programs to match what our curlers want. Many of us met our best friends (and even better halves) at the Barrie Curling Club and shared some of the best times of our lives at leagues, bonspiels and the lounge. 

We have members ranging in age from 5 to 95 and programs and memberships to match everyone's needs. 

We have a rich history - our club was founded in 1877 and as such we are one of the oldest sports facilities in the Barrie and Simcoe County. Our club is a not-for-profit organization operated by the members. Visit our club history page for a detailed history of The Barrie Curling Club dating back to 1877.


The Barrie Curling Club hosts a number of such as business gathering, home shows, vendor supply shows, weddings, birthdays, retirement functions, private parties, holiday parties...just about anything you can image from a great facility like ours. Oh...we also host club, private, and corporate curling events and bonspiels where both the ice and lounge are rented.

Most people think the club is only for curling...it's for much more than that!

Our Ice Surface

Barrie Curling Club has seven (7) sheets of ice available for curling with scheduled play from 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M.   Practice times are posted at the Club and are subject to revision.  

We take pride in our ice surface and want to keep it clean for all who use it. To this end, we ask regular players and visitors to take care not to damage the ice surface and to report ice issues to our Manager for attention.  We ask that bare hands not be left on the ice surface after delivery of a stone, as this can dent the ice surface.  Also, if you are leaving the ice between draws to go outside for any reason, please do not wear your curling shoes, as the  grit and debris will pit the ice and scour the sliding surface of curling shoes.  Prior to going on the ice from the lower lounge, clean your shoes with the shoe cleaners available at each entrance to the sheets.

We have ice feedback forms on to the left of the Manager's office. Should you have any inquires or comment on the ice or the rocks, please fill these out so our Manager and Ice Committee may act on them.


Most of the information was found in a box of material that included a briefcase belonging to Harry Armstrong. We hope you enjoy reading the material and while it is as accurate as possible much of the information is difficult to verify. If anyone has corrections or additional information please forward to our manager for update.


Curling in Barrie originated on the frozen waters of Kempenfelt Bay of Lake Simcoe.  In 1877 a club was formed and a charter was granted. Today we are a seven-sheet not-for‐profit curling club owned and operated by members of the Barrie Curling Club.

Over the years the Barrie Curling Club was located on several sites. In 1899 the first Club was constructed on the current site of Barrie Collegiate on the side of the skating rink. In 1902 the Barrie Curling and Athletic Club was incorporated and built a 165x68 foot frame rink on the corner of Clapperton and Sophia Streets and the users paid rent for the use of the facility ($200 for the season in 1932). This appears to have been a four-sheet facility shared with the Barrie Thistle Club using two sheets and the Barrie Curling and Athletic Club the other two sheets. On December 5, 1931 following the Thistle Club proposing the amalgamation of the two Clubs to be known as The Barrie Curling Club, the Executive of the two Clubs adopted the motion giving both Clubs equal representation.

In December 1945 a motion was passed at the Annual General Meeting that a constitution be drawn up for the Barrie Curling Club outlining the duties if the officers and committees. At the same meeting a presentation was made on the status of a new rink. Mr. E.W. Jones reported that they had consulted with the architect in Midland and plans were being drawn up for a five-sheet rink “up to date in every way” and somewhat similar to the Midland rink. Following considerable discussion, a motion was passed that the Committee of Way be given the power of means to proceed with finances for the new rink. Progress was slow in raising funds and members were encouraged to sell more shares in the new rink. It appears that the plans included the Bowling and Tennis Clubs also using the new rink but they would operate as separate entities. By December 1946 between eleven and twelve thousand dollars had been pledged to the new rink and following considerable discussion a motion was passed that a new committee be appointed and proceed with the new rink. On May 1, 1947 Harry Armstrong was appointed chairman of the Barrie Curling Club Building Fund with a mandate to make plans and raise funds for new and modern curling rink. By November 1947 $24,450 had been promised. On Jan. 16, 1949 the Club approved a request from the ladies of the Town who were interested in forming a Ladies Curling Club and that they be allotted time to curl. In March 1949 the Executive initiated plans to build a new rink and also proceed with forming the Barrie Curling Club into a limited company so that action could be taken to sell shares covering the construction of the new curling rink. On August 19, 1949 the Building Committee had a credit of $25,000 in the Building Fund and proceeded with plans for the erection of the new curling club. In September 1949 the Building Committee approved the expenditure of $12,000 to the Structures and Foundations Co. Ltd for the purchase of the steel and sheeting that was removed from the Barrie Arena (built in 1934). In November 1949 the Committee reported to the Directors that a tentative price of $60,000 had been submitted by the trades to cover the cost of the new rink based on the blueprints provided by the architect.

On December 1, 1949 Letter’s Patent incorporating the Barrie Curling Club Limited was granted to the provisional Directors of the Company (Harry Armstrong, James Wilbur Harris, John Reiner Boys, Arthur Reginald Girdwood and Anthony Saso). When the site permit for the planned new site was rejected by the Town Council, the shareholders approved the offer by the Barrie Agricultural Society (BAS) on June 15, 1950 to lease the Club a site on their newly opened fair grounds at 175 Essa Road provided Town Council would bear the expense and assume the risk of moving the steel girders and lumber that was on the site adjoining the arena and providing the Council would co‐operate with the Curling Club and the BAS  regarding assessment of the proposed new building for taxes. In May 1952 Bertram Brothers started construction of the 24,500 square foot (ice, basement and two levels) seven sheet curling facility (102.5 ft. x180.8 ft.) and the Club opened later that year as a result of countless hours of time and effort by many dedicated people led by Club President Harry Armstrong and Vern Adams. On October 21, 1952 attendees at the annual meeting approved a motion that the Barrie Curling Club be dissolved and the Barrie Curling Club Limited carry on all future business. The Examiner reported the demolition of the curling rink at 76 Clapperton on June 21, 1954.

Amongst the numerous changes from today, the members owned their own rocks and that the Club maintained an insurance policy for the stones. We believe some of the stones are still at the Club, but despite some rumours to the contrary they are no longer in use.

The Club endured numerous problems in its infancy, mainly having to curl on “natural” ice during the first year of operation when the season was only three weeks long but 1953 brought artificial ice. On July 3, 1953 the Board approved the purchase of 43,80 feet of one-inch pipe at a price of $7,129.36 and the contract be awarded for artificial ice equipment to J.H. Locke of Toronto for $16,300 once satisfactory financial arrangements had been made. In August 1953 a by‐la was passed approving a loan by way of mortgage of $35,000 to pay for the artificial ice surface. The loan was to be guaranteed by a minimum of ten of the shareholders, 60% of whom shall comprise the Board of Directors until such time as the loan is repaid. Future Directors were required to sign off as guarantors of the mortgage until it was paid in full in 1958. At the same meeting the Secretary‐Treasurer of the BAS announced that the Club would receive a minimum of $15,000 from the Government through the BAS when the building was finished in accordance with government specifications. On November 19, 1953 the building was officially opened by Mayor James Hart throwing the opening stone. Wi l Harris and Tony Saso engineered a draw to provide funds for Matche Rocks which were in purchased and in use during the 53/54 season. Financial statements from 1969 identify the value of the stones at $3,705. On May 26, 1954 the BAS advised the Club that the Club would receive a $20,000 grant related to the building of the new club. It is also noted in these minutes that the Directors were authorized to sell old curling stones at their discretion with the consent of the owners and that the proceeds from the sale would be applied towards the new stones. In November 1954 the steel roof was installed at a cost of $4,000. In 1958 the dehumidifier system was installed at a cost of $8,325 by Linde‐Hall Canadian Refrigeration. Ten years later a 9400 square foot basement and two-story addition to the front of building was constructed (30ft.x104.4 ft) and the coal stoked boiler was replaced with a gas fired boiler. In 1975 the condenser was installed and in 1977 the stones were resurfaced at a cost of $1600. In 1976 renovations were completed including construction of the offices. 

In 1980 two 350,000 BTU furnaces were installed at a cost of $6,132 above the lounge for heating the ice area. The 1985 Barrie Tornado removed a major portion of the roof and damaged the lounge and kitchen. During the reconstruction a fire ignited by a welding torch caused significant damage. Throughout the disasters the members prevailed and no curling time was lost.


Barrie Curling Club
175 Essa Road
Barrie, ON  L4N 3L2

Phone: (705) 726-1351
Fax: (705) 726-1368
Email Us

BCC Core Office Hours:  10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday to Thursday

Our Team


Club Manager

Lisa DeClark

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

(705) 726-1351


Bar Manager

Dave McLean

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Ice Operations Manager

Bryan Brown

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bryan brown


2024-2025 Board of Directors

President * Christine Pearson    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
1st Vice President * Janet Foster    
2nd Vice President * David Hein    
Secretary/Treasurer * Donna Cooper    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Directors David Bolsby    
  Tony Gray    
  Nina Martin    
  Al McKenna    
  Norm Speake    
  Charlie Tardif    
  Suzanne Villeneuve    
Past President Kyle Kitchen    
* Denotes an Executive position      
Board Committees      
Bylaws & Procedures  Janet Foster    
Strategic Planning  Suzanne Villeneuve, David Hein   
Communications   Tony Gray    
CurlON  Al McKenna    
Bar & Kitchen  Nina Martin    
Property & Infrastructure  Charlie Tardif, Tony Gray   
Advertising / Sponsorship  David Hein   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Ice Quality  Al McKenna    
City of Barrie Spokesperson  Norm Speake    
Events / Volunteers  David Bolsby   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Health & Safety   Al McKenna    
Curling Leagues      
Membership  Suzanne Villeneuve, Tony Gray This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Risk Management  Norm Speake    
Youth Program  Al McKenna    




Join Us!

8 ender square 

We have leagues for all curling skill levels!



Come out and enjoy one of our friendly and fun bonspiels!

Facility Rental

IMG 5669

Consider Barrie Curling Club for your next event!

Contact Us

Barrie Curling Club
175 Essa Road
Barrie, ON  L4N 3L2

(705) 726-1351  |  Fax: (705) 726-1368  |  Email Us

Map and contact details


About the Barrie Curling Club

Our club consists of a group of people who love to curl - some more competitively and some more recreationally; and we have leagues and programs to match what our curlers want. Many of us consider fellow members to be great friends and have shared some of the best times of our lives at leagues, bonspiels and the lounge of the Barrie Curling Club.


© 2025 Barrie Curling Club. All Rights Reserved. | Curling Club Management System and Website by CurlingClubManager.com