• (705) 726-1351
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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1-The league will play 23 (7+8+8) games over 3 schedules. The last week in each schedule will be for playoffs.  Teams placing 11th -15th  will NOT play during playoff week, but these players can spare for playoff teams.  Since some curlers only curl once per week, ALL curlers must be included in the decision to shake hands early in a game.  Majority rules. A tie vote means continue the game.

2- At 6:30pm before the LAST game of each schedule, skips will pick a new team. They are not allowed to select a curler twice in a season. If a skip cannot attend, he can choose a representative to select for him.

3-There must be at least 2 original team players or the game is forfeit. It is each curler’s responsibility to find themselves a spare and notify their team, else, check with Convenor for assistance.  Please use the Bye team for spares first, then go to the Monday league’s spare list. 3 players is acceptable for non-playoff games. 

4-If play is delayed 1-15 minutes, the non-offending team receives one point, hammer and one end is considered played. If delayed 16-30 minutes, the non-offending team receives an additional point, hammer and two ends are considered played. After 30 minutes, the game will be forfeit. W+2 will be recorded.

5-Vices are responsible for recording the score after each game. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win, 1 point for a tie (or bye) and 0 points for a loss.  For standings and tiebreakers, a maximum of 4 points may be recorded (W+4). 

6-After 1st and 2nd schedule, curler(s) from the first place team will be given the opportunity to move up a position. If curler(s) on first place team choose not to move up, curler(s) from the second place team will be given the opportunity.  The curler(s) from the last place team may be moved down one position. There is no movement after 3rd schedule. 

7-There will be playoffs after each schedule.  In the event of a tie in points, tiebreaker will be as follows (a) head to head; (b) most wins; (c) least losses; (d) point differential; (e) coin flip.  Teams finishing #11, #12, #13, #14 & #15 will NOT play Monday night of playoff week. 



Semi-final: Team #1 vs #4, Team #2 vs #3 (7:15 pm Monday of playoff week) 

Winners play in final at 8:15pm Wednesday.  Schedule champions will advance to the Tournament of Champion playdowns in April.

  1. Four players are required
  2. Spares should be from the 5 teams eliminated….teams 11 to 15. If unable, then try the Wednesday night league. The replacement must play the same or lower position. League players ONLY; not from Spare list. Playoff spares MUST be approved by the Convenors.
  3. Higher finishing team may choose either hammer or stones in the first end.
  4. Multiple schedule winners must enter Tournament of Champions on their first winning team. For fairness, Monday and Wednesday leagues will alternate each year. Monday for odd years and Wednesday for even years.

9- The sponsor will present the trophy/prize to the winning team after each schedule.

                                               MONEY PAYOUT

Champion Team for each draw wins $100 from our generous sponsor.

Bruce Shipley, Broker   

Coldwell Banker The Real Estate Centre Brokerage

Past President (2015) Barrie and District Association of Realtors

Past President (1990) Barrie Home Builders Association

CELL  705-795-4302

Queries may be directed to Convenors:

Monday Night          Steve Flude (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)   Cell # – 705-309-1622

Wednesday Night     Fred Nicholl (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Home # - 905-729-2097   Cell  # -705-729-2097


This is a league open to any combination of male or female players.  Register as a team; the league convenor will follow up with you to determine whether you will be in the Competitive or Recreational division. Your team roster can consist of 5 players.  There may be additional fees collected for this league to be redistributed at the end of the year as regular season and playoff prize money.  This league plays Tuesdays at 8:15 PM.




  • Each team must have 2 registered players for every game and a minimum of 3 players to start a game.
  • There is a 15 minute grace period to allow late members to arrive. After 15 minutes the late team must give the legal team 1 point for the first end and the game proceeds to the second end. If after 20 minutes a team cannot be made up then the game is forfeited. If there are no shows, give your team a win on the scoreboard with a score of 1-0. Make up games are allowed if there is proper notice and an agreement between the teams involved. Game must be made up before the next scheduled game.
  • The 5-rock guard rule will be in effect.
  • Regular season games will be 8 ends or when the buzzer goes. When the buzzer sounds you finish the end you’re playing and play one more end. Ties will not be broken during the regular season.
  • Playoff games will be a full 8 ends with ties going to an extra end. No time limits. There will be no money won for individual games in the playoffs. Winnings for playoffs will be paid based on final games. (see PAYOUTS on the FORMAT document)
  • Ties in the point standings will be broken by a) head to head win/loss record; b) number of wins, c) score differential in all games of draw.
  • Any registered and qualified club member can spare in this league.


To be determined, depending on the number of teams registered. 



  • The Championship Division playoff champion will represent this league in the Tournament of Champions.
  • In years where this league is eligible to send two teams, the Championship Division playoff finalist will also be sent to the Tournament of Champions.


  • TBD


Alternates between evening start times. This is a team entry league.

Individual entries are welcome - the convenor will assist you in finding a team.

Recreational and Competitive teams welcome!

The league has varied skills levels allowing the teams to compete with other teams with similar curling ability. Based on a point system each week is ranked every 7 weeks and placed in the appropriate flight. This is repeated until playoff time is determined/posted. The open team can be any combination of male, female and both. 




  1. Everyone is responsible for finding their own spares and informaing their skips.
  2. Be ready to play 15 minutes before game time. Shake hands. Choose rock colours.
  3. Must play at least 6 ends in the time allowed (no quitting at 4 or 5 ends). Some people only play once a week - quittin early is not fair to them.
  4. Scoring is +4/-4.  Wins are W+4, W+3, W+2, W+1; Losses are L-4,  L-3, L-2, L-1; Ties are T+1 

Schedule #2



  1. Everyone is responsible for finding their own spares and informaing their skips.
  2. Be ready to play 15 minutes before game time. Shake hands. Spin for rock colour.
  3. Must play at least 6 ends in the time allowed (no quitting at 4 or 5 ends). Some people only play once a week - quittin early is not fair to them.
  4. 7 pm draw is 6 ends.
  5. 8:30 pm draw is 8 ends.
  6. Scoring is +4/-4.  Wins are W+4, W+3, W+2, W+1; Losses are L-4,  L-3, L-2, L-1; Ties are T+1 

Schedule #2



Find the teams, schedule and standing in the Member Mene or the menu above.  There are also found below.


Schedule #2 - 16 December 2015 to 15 February 2016





Schedule #3


Teams TBD

Schedule TBD


Schedule #1





Round Robin – Oct 17, 2023 to Jan 30, 2024

  • 15 teams - all teams play each other.
  • 14 games each. One bye per week. We will accommodate bye week requests to the best of our abilities.
  • Points: 2 per win, 1 per tie, 0 per loss
  • If a make-up night is needed, that will be February 6, 2024. Playoffs will be bumped by one week and finish April 2, 2024.


Playoffs – Feb 6, 2024 to Mar 27, 2024  

  • After the Round Robin, we will rank order the teams by points. Teams will be divided into 3 equally weighted divisions or pools. Naturally we will name our pools after some awesome women in curling!

    Do a Round Robin within each Pool. Points from Pool Play will be added to Regular Season Round Robin points. We will have cross-pool games to reduce byes.

    [Note: Sheet numbers will be adjusted from the above so all pools play on all the sheets.]

    Then we will rank teams by total points accrued during Pool Play. The top 7 teams advance to the Championship Playoffs. The other 8 teams go to Consolation Playoffs.

    *Tiebreakers to determine rank order:

    1. Head-to-head win/loss, then if needed;
    2. Most points during Round Robin.

    The earliest any teams are eliminated is March 20.

  • If the make-up date of February 6, 2024 does not have to be used, then we will do a Skins Game on April 2, 2024.



  • Keeragh Robertson This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Melanie Hughes This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Wednesday Open CYO is a mixed league open to all ages . For the year 2019/2020 we have 16 teams, most games are at 11:15 am Wednesday morning and one game at 1:00 pm on the same day.

We follow the current OCA rules

Playoffs will be determined at a later date

Mutual cooperation between teams will usually solve most problems but the conveners will assist when necessary.

If the teams scheduled to play at 1:00 both agree to not play they will both be awarded with one (1) point.


Mixed Doubles curling is a relatively new, two on two format within the sport, and is charged with energy and fast paced. An 8 end game of mixed doubles takes about 75 minutes to play. 

The BCC Sunday Mixed Doubles league is played at two time slots, 4:30pm and 6:15pm. Teams are mixed (one female and one male). When signing up to play, you will register to play all your games at either 4:30pm or 6:15pm. Within these time schedules, there will be two pools of play, where teams will compete against others of the same skill level. Pools will be adjusted over the course of the season. Depending on the number teams signed up for the season, pools could be adjusted two or three times. Playoff format will be determined at a later time.


Mixed Doubles curling is a relatively new, two on two format within the sport, and is charged with energy and fast paced. An 8 end game of mixed doubles takes about 75 minutes to play. 

The BCC Sunday Mixed Doubles league is played at two time slots, 4:30pm and 6:15pm. Teams are mixed (one female and one male). When signing up to play, you will register to play all your games at either 4:30pm or 6:15pm. Within these time schedules, there will be two pools of play, where teams will compete against others of the same skill level. Pools will be adjusted over the course of the season. Depending on the number teams signed up for the season, pools could be adjusted two or three times. Playoff format will be determined at a later time.



  1. The league will play approximately 21 games each over 3 schedules. After each schedule, the skips will pick an entirely new team for the next schedule. They are not allowed the same members from previous draws.
  2. After each schedule, the last place team members may be moved down one position. Curlers from the first and second place teams will be given the option to move up. If there are no interests then everyone remains the same. There will be no movement in the last draw.
  3. There will be playoffs after each schedule.  Team #1 VS #4,Team #2 VS #3 (will be played Monday night of playoff week) On the Wednesday night of playoff week, Winners from Monday will playoff for that draw championship and  will advance to the tournament of champions and receive the $100 sponsor prize. All other teams will playoff for fun except Teams #13 #14 who will not be able to play that night due to ice availability.
  4. Vices are responsible for ensuring the score is recorded on the board immediately after each game. Teams will be awarded 2 points for a win or forfeit, one point for a tie and no points for a loss. A maximum of 4 stone differentials may be recorded.ie (W+4)At the end of each draw, in the event of a tie in points, Tie breaker will be as follows (a) head to head (b) #wins (c)#losses (d)Differential(e) Coin Flip .
  5. In case of a no show: If delay of play is 1-15 minutes, the non-offending team receives one point, hammer and one end is considered played. If delayed 15-30 minutes, the non-offending team receives an additional point, hammer and two ends are considered played. After 30 minutes, the game will be forfeited . W+2 will be recorded.
  6. At the start of each draw, all players will give their skip $10 for food night.
  7. The shot clock will be used. Once the buzzer goes, you finish that end and play 1 additional end.
  8. Regular Season
    1. There must be at least 2 original players or the game is forfeited.
    2. At least 3 players are required.
    3. Replacements: try to get the same or lower positions from anyone in the club.
  9. For the Playoffs
    1. 4 players are required
    2. Higher placed teams may choose either hammer or stones in the first end.
    3. Multiple schedule winners must enter their first winning team in the Tournament of Champions. The Monday and Wednesday leagues will be alternated each fiscal year for fairness. Monday for odd years and Wednesday for even years.
    4. Replacements:
      1. They must be the same or lower position player..
      2. They should be selected from your league . (All players not in the playoffs can be selected)
      3. If you cannot find a replacement equivalent to your void position within your league then notify the convenor and he will assist in finding one. Spares do not qualify. All replacements must be approved by the convenyor.

Any Queries can be directed to:

Revised 2019-09-22

Join Us!

8 ender square 

We have leagues for all curling skill levels!



Come out and enjoy one of our friendly and fun bonspiels!

Facility Rental

IMG 5669

Consider Barrie Curling Club for your next event!

Contact Us

Barrie Curling Club
175 Essa Road
Barrie, ON  L4N 3L2

(705) 726-1351  |  Fax: (705) 726-1368  |  Email Us

Map and contact details


About the Barrie Curling Club

Our club consists of a group of people who love to curl - some more competitively and some more recreationally; and we have leagues and programs to match what our curlers want. Many of us consider fellow members to be great friends and have shared some of the best times of our lives at leagues, bonspiels and the lounge of the Barrie Curling Club.


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